Lecture Concert

Our unique lecture concerts are at the center of Auers’ Flutery. Of course you can experience music lectures with recordings, with pianists, sometimes even with symphonic excerpts and a full orchestra at special occasions. But to flesh out the topic of Julia’s lecture with music we use the instruments our family is able to perform – you will experience two brilliant flutist playing for you at one of our lecture concerts. That’s why we call them lecture concerts.
Julia is more responsible for the talking, Walter more for the playing. You can imagine that especially for Julia it is quite a challenge to focus on lecturing and also on playing the flute at a very high level. But we love to play together – and as our audiences keep confirming:  we pull it off more than convincingly, many even say magnificently. In a few years, if our kids turn out to be into music too, we will present you chamber music in larger ensembles. Let’s see…we give this at least ten years…

Silver, Gold and Ivory

This extraordinary lecture concert showcases 600 years of musical and flute history. Julia and Walter Auer trace the history of flute playing and making from medieval times to the 21st century. From ebony to gold, from silver to ivory …. special materials and their sound qualtities never ceased to influence composers, musicians and instrument makers.
Duration: 60 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German

Mr. Mozart’s Magic – the life and times of the great musical genius W.A. Mozart

This lecture offers insights into Wolfgang Amadé Mozart’s turbulent and fascinating life. From his unusual childhood as a supremely gifted prodigy in Salzburg and all over Europe to his life in Vienna as the first freelance composer in history, we learn of his spectacular success and his failures, his personal life and most importantly, his famous and unsurpassed music.
Duration: 90 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German
Also available on CD!

Viennese Classical Style – Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven

Beethoven, Mozart und Haydn are considered the epitome of classical music. Their lives as well as their compositorial approaches are as diverse as they are fascinating.
Duration: 90 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German

Johann Strauss – the first superstar

Balancing on the fine line between classical and popular music, Johann Strauß the younger was the first musician to reach global fame. The Strauß family functioned as an exemplary musical and economic dynasty.
Duration: 90 Minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German
Also available on CD!

The musical cosmos of Franz Schubert

While his personal life was rather withdrawn, his compositions intensely reflect all human emotions. Explore the private world of Viennese musical salons that were his artistic home.
Duration: 60 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German

Living their dream in Vienna: The lives and music of Mozart, Schubert and Strauss

To be a successful composer, it was never enough to just compose beautiful music. Learn about the circumstances of musical production in the 18th and 19th century, what worked for and against these three most famous Viennese composers and how this influenced their compositorial output.
Duration: 90 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
Language: English and/or German

Gustav Mahler, Arnold Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School

The turn of the century and specifically the pre-war years were also a time of artistic turmoil. Angry shouting matches and even fist-fights in concerts were not infrequent. Learn about the musical upheaval caused by Gustav Mahler and especially Arnold Schönberg and his pupils.
Duration: 90 minutes
Text and music: Julia & Walter Auer
English and/or German